“Gabriela Iturbide: A Lens to See”
As part of this year’s Fotoseptiembre, Ruiz-Healy Art will present “A Lens to See,” a solo exhibition of photography by Graciela Iturbide. The selections, gathered from the Wittliff Collections at Texas State University, one of the largest archives of contemporary Mexican photography, mark the first
time Iturbide has been exhibited in a commercial gallery in Texas, and span
a period from the early 1970s to 2006. Among the work are some of Iturbide’s most iconic photographs, including Our Lady of the Iguanas and Angel Woman in the Desert of Sonora, both of which depict the strength and dignity of indigenous women. Free, 6-8pm Thu, Ruiz-Healy Art, 200 E. Olmos Drive, (210) 804-2219, ruizhealyart.com. — Marco Aquino
Click here for our full story on Graciela Iturbide.