"Travel Distance," curated by Amber Zora, is based around the individuals and families who have served in the military and have dealt with the aftermath of deployment and relocation. The Main Gallery exhibition features artists Miridith Campbell, Joe Devera, Claudia Hare, Jenn Hassin, Gina Herrera, Monte Little, Jessica Putnam-Phillips, Daniel Rios Rodriguez, Renee Romero and Sarah Sudhoff.
"Travel Distance" is paired with a library of books in the Learning Lab titled "The Veterans Book Project." Authored collaboratively by artist Monica Haller along with many people who have been affected by the American conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, "The Veterans Book Project" rearranges and materializes the fleeting experiences and narratives of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Free, Opening Reception 6-9 p.m. Friday, June 3, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-6 p.m. Thursday-Sunday through Sept. 25, Blue Star Contemporary, 116 Blue Star, (210) 227-6960, bluestarcontemporary.org.
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