Written and directed by company member Eraina Porras, the new production takes shape in three distinct chapters: Posoge employs the medium of film to tell a surreal, cautionary tale of two magical sisters who can make water appear — and even “create a rio grande” — simply by braiding their hair together; The Edge of the Woods turns back the clock to 1968 to follow two Edgewood High School students as they join the Chicano civil rights movement and stage a walkout in protest of unjust treatment; and in Attorney in Wonderland, an immigration lawyer working to unite a separated family slips down a rabbit hole and finds herself in an alternate reality populated by such unusual characters as “the Talking Door, the Cheshire Coyote and Queen Liberty.”
$10-$12, 8pm Thu Jan. 17-Sat Jan. 26 (no performance on Jan. 24), Jump-Start Theater, 710 Fredericksburg Rd., (210) 227-5867, jump-start.org.
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