For its 25th anniversary, the free fair has converted to a fully virtual experience this year.
This ain’t just some lazy online storefront, though — the McNay has collaborated with print dealers nationwide to curate a cornucopia of artworks for sale, all branching from a central hub on the museum’s website that acts as a roadmap for shoppers to navigate the thousands of prints, photos, drawings and watercolors available for purchase.
In addition to San Antonio’s Ruiz-Healy Art, participating galleries include Tandem Press (Madison, WI), Mary Ryan Gallery (New York, NY), Warnock Fine Arts (Palm Springs, CA) and Davidson Galleries (Seattle, WA). Fairgoers can also enjoy a selection of video content that gives a deeper look at different aspects of printmaking, including Foam Print and Tortilla Press printmaking demos, interviews with SA artists Ethel Shipton and Humberto Saenz and a behind-the-scenes tour of the Museum’s Print Room with McNay Curator of Prints and Drawings Lyle W. Williams.
Free, Friday and Saturday May 1-2,
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