The work focuses on camouflage as expressive of a certain masculine aesthetic that’s been largely rendered obsolete through aesthetic commodification. If used as home décor, does camouflage still break the boundary of the body in a way meaningful to the outdoorsman, or is it just something for a fashionable social media influencer? Does it blur the line and logic that separates humans from nature?
“The meaning of camouflage is paradoxically human/natural, masculine/feminine, straight/queer,” Korver said in explaining the exhibition, “and my artwork expands our understanding of camouflage and expresses the tension of our crisis in a more-than-human and damaged world. Maybe in the dappled light, we’re all creatures.”
Concurrently on view is Camouflage: Blaze Orange in the Main Space at Artpace San Antonio. These exhibitions mark the end of an era for Korver, as he and his family prepare to move to Kansas City later this month. He chooses to think of these two exhibitions as a “forget-me-not” gesture to San Antonio’s artistic community.
Free, Open by appointment through Saturday, Aug. 31, Fl!ght Gallery, 112R Blue Star, (210) 872-2586,
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