(Un)Documents, the first full-length solo show by actor and poet Jesús I Valles, aims to evoke the challenges immigrants face in the American system.
Directed by Rudy Ramirez, the show explores life as an individual who flows across a river border, moving between languages and seeking a place in a society that “demands sacrifice at the altar of citizenship.”
In past years, the play has won multiple B. Iden Payne awards, was an Austin Critics Table Award recipient for Excellence in Direction and was named one of Robert Faires’s Top 10 Theatrical Treasurers of 2018 in the Austin Chronicle.
To say the least, the one-person performance starring Valles is set to open eyes, hearts and minds. The show will be livestreamed each night except for Sunday, which will feature a stream of a pre-recorded performance.
$15-$20, 7:30-9 p.m. Thursday, November 12-Saturday, November 14, 2-3:30 p.m. Sunday, November 15, Teatro Audaz, (210) 401-7060, teatroaudaz.com.
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