Directed by Martin Scorsese and based on the non-fiction book by David Grann, the Oscar-nominated biopic unfolds in 1920s Oklahoma after members of the Osage tribe discover oil on their land.
Although the Osage people are granted rights to the oil, the courts deem them “incompetent” — requiring them to appoint white legal guardians to manage their income.
William King Hale (Robert De Niro), a deputy sheriff and cattle rancher from a nearby town, poses as a friendly financial manager, all the while enacting a sinister and sprawling murder plot, striving to pilfer the tribe’s oil reserves and the wealth they generate.
Killers of the Flower Moon boldly confronts commodity culture, corporate greed and colonialist paradigms, laying bare a terrifying reality: how race, class and political influence can be used to absolve criminals of the consequences of their actions.
Tickets to the screening are included in the price of museum admission. Due to graphic violence, Killers of the Flower Moon may not be suitable for children under 17.
Free, 1-4 p.m., Briscoe Western Art Museum, 210 W. Market St., (210) 299-4499,
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