With a program that introduces such virtuosos as Marina Plezegetovstageskaya (known for her role as the Sour Cream Fairy), Lariska Dumbchenko (who was shot into orbit by the Russian space program in 1962), and Sonia Leftova (“The Prune Danish of Russian Ballet”), Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo often get crowds giggling before the curtain rises. Balancing en pointe in full drag since 1974, the all-male troupe spoofs the grandiosity of ballet in productions that balance exaggerated antics with technical mastery. Since arriving on New York’s off-off Broadway scene in 1974, the Trocks (as they’re known by fans) have performed in more than 500 cities in 30 countries. ARTS San Antonio brings the gals to town as part of “The Dazzling Season.” $29-$110, 7:30pm Thursday, Lila Cockrell Theatre, 200 E Market, (210) 226-2891, artssa.org. Check out our full online calendar of upcoming events here: calendar.sacurrent.com.