Ranger Creek Brewing & Distilling, Alamo Beer Company, Freetail Brewing Company, and other brewing enthusiasts join forces for San Antonio Beer Week (May 12-21), nine days dedicated to “celebrating beer and the community that enjoys it.” Comprising brewery visits, beer dinners, pub crawls, tastings, and a brewing competition, SABW spotlights homebrewers on Tuesday with a free event honoring "the roots of today's modern craft breweries." Presented by Alamo on the future site of its micro-brewery, The Golden Age of Homebrewing rounds up reps from San Antonio Homebrew Supply and Bake, Broil and Brew as well as local brew clubs, food trucks, and live music. Free, 5-7pm Tuesday, the future Alamo Beer Company site, 415 Burnet, (210) 872-5589, alamobeer.com. For a full schedule of events, visit sanantoniobeerweek.com.
Check out our full online calendar of upcoming events here: calendar.sacurrent.com.