First, an apology: Sorry it took two months for us to get to Saytown’s own 51 Acres and their new album, Thousand Miles Away. It’s a well-recorded, fluid work, which is saying a lot for a band best known for its live performances. I’ll admit, though, I’m not the sort of music fan who can get into these heirs to the jam-rock throne previously occupied by Dave Matthews Band and Phish. Instead, here’s a questionaire to determine how much you will appreciate the album. I call it, “How to Tell if You’re A Damn Bro, V1.0 .”
30 – 35 points. Damn, bro, that’s the dope groove. Where’s my harmonica?
25 – 30 points. Do I file this under F for 51, or D for “Damn, Bro!”?
15 – 25 points. Dawg, why buy it when I can just see them live
tonight, tomorrow night, the night after, and so on,
until the Grateful Dead rise again?
0 –15. Genero-jam just ain’t my thing.