After opening in March 2015, the Paper Tiger is now paying respect to the lingering ghost of the former venue by throwing a birthday bash from the weekend of Friday, August 26. To celebrate the original owner/promoter Rick Sciaraffa and the Rabbit's contribution to the local music scene since the 1990s, the concert is raising money to fund the San Antonio College music department's annual music scholarship in Sciaraffa's name.
In all its post-hardcore/metal glory, the finalized lineup of more than 65 bands can be found here. Made up of mostly local Texas bands, the concert is bringing together the music and culture the White Rabbit generation grew up with.
The doors open at 6pm all three days and a ticket price for a single day is $10 and a weekend pass is $25. They can be bought here.
Check out SA's Of Ruins, one of the headlining bands below: