Technically speaking, Tadros is from Laredo and now lives in Austin. But it was here in San Antonio (where she lived for most of 2007) that she launched her career. A self-made singer-songwriter still in her early 20s, Tadros created a little gem of alternative folk-pop with her 2009 debut, Things Worth Keeping. But it is her infectious humor, perennial smile, and, especially, her warm vocal timbre that sets her apart. After too many collaborative shows nationwide (and a recent European tour), Tadros finally gave in to the pressure: “You know how you’re always harping on me to play solo?” she wrote me in an email. “I’m playing solo. COMPLETELY SOLO.” GIG is the perfect intimate venue for her music, both onstage and off. Also, she’ll be selling copies of her new live EP with Chloe Charles, Live from Eddie’s Attic. $7 cover ($5 extra and ID gets any size box, bottle, or jug of wine in), 9:30pm Sat, Jan 8, GIG On The Strip, 2803 N St. Mary’s, (210) 837-2787.