What does your safety superhero look like?
That's the question VIA Metropolitan Transit is asking all students in the greater San Antonio area to answer for its annual Youth Art Contest, which opens March 7.
This year's theme, "Be a Safety Superhero in Our Community," highlights how riders can travel safely.
Any medium is allowed, as long as it's on the official poster board, which is free and can be picked up at the VIA Administration Building at 800 W. Myrtle St., or at VIA Metro Center at 1021 San Pedro Ave.
The contest is for students Pre-K through 12, and submissions are due by April 8.
And there's a cash prize: $50 for first place in each grade level, $25 for second and $250 for Best of Show.
Now, if you're reading the San Antonio Current, you're probably too old for the contest. However, you might have kids, and encouraging their involvement in arts is never a bad move. While they're at it, they can learn about alternative transportation, too. And, hell, if they win $250 for Best of Show they can take you out to dinner.