When Kuumba House was founded in 1982 (by South Africa’s Lindi Yeni and Houston’s Thomas Meloncon), the company’s main focus was producing plays by noteworthy playwrights. Twenty-eight years into its multi-disciplinary preservation of the “cultural experience of African art,” the collective now goes by Kuumba House Dance Theatre (or KHDT) and performs for 30,000 viewers annually. KHDT’s celebration of Kwanzaa (a tradition since 1966, Kwanzaa is observed from December 26 to January 1 yearly) fuses traditional, contemporary, and ceremonial styles of African dance. $31, 8pm, The Carver Community Cultural Center’s Jo Long Theatre, 226 N Hackberry, (210) 207-7211, thecarver.org, kuumbahousedancetheatre.org.