On the Street: Domestic Correspondence, The Latest Messiah,

“Yes, againâ?¦”

A few random events this week, but first to the letters...

Letters (to the 2nd Story Ghetto Mid-Century Modern Efficiency Apartment)

1. She's a Maniac (I Know)

From Texas photographer Barry, this email comes in...


Mae as a maniac and Ann, Austin, TX, 2.23.2009

can be seen at http://www.barrystone.com/



2. Lebron James Farts

Yeah, this one came in from an academic professional, odd considering the low level humor. Get used to it.

Lebron James farts...


3. The Teacher

Carlos the Insider shares knowledge...

Interesting use of youtubeâ?¦


Perhaps if I actually listened to this lecture I might hear mention of former San Antonian Victor Considerant's role in the Commune...

4. Fellow Establishmentarians

OTS West Coast/Domestic Correspondent Steve writes inâ?¦

Friend's, family, fellow Establishmentarians and bicycle enthusiasts,

The Bike Happening Documentary has been completed and will premiere at the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival. (Monday March 9th @ 6:00, Downtown Brewery)

Check out the trailer http://bikehappening.org/?p=179

Spread the word

Talking about bicycles is like...dancing about architecture? I'm not killing the messenger, I'm just saying...however, there's nothing wrong with some solidarity in this endeavor. In SA, the Downtown Highlife Social Club has been able to thrive amid the boredom and avoid any sort of entanglements with the long arm.

To the Well, One More Time

To say we returned to the Compound one more time again, implies that we somehow left. To that I say jokingly, "love to visit, but wouldn't want to live there." The Compound is like a Las Vegas outpost in the middle of the city, though thankfully without the bad buffets, post-modern head scratching, and dry air.

Anyway, one more time...

Sound artist/musician Annette Krebs came to town in what seemed to be a collaboration of many people: the esteemed Ben Judson with heavy denim, John Mata (as part of his month long series of events at Sala Diaz) and Chris Cogburn, of No Idea Music.

It's fascinating how a sound artist can command people to elbow their way to the front to "get a look at something." In other words, there seemed to be a need to fulfill a visual component to a completely aural performance, which is especially odd considering Kreb's seemingly benign use of a laptop and a mixing board. I suppose it's unfair to contrast this manipulation of an instrument/machine to that of a piano or other traditional musical instrument. Who is to say what is valid and not valid?

However, we see laptops all the time, such as at coffee shops, and they rarely command our attention, unless it's a goofy youtube video (see above.)

Also, the guy at a mixing board at a musical venue never gets any attention so it is with admiration that I compliment Krebs for being the focus of so much attention.

Having said all that, even though I had perhaps the best spot/place to lean in the whole venue, I had to walk out. A subtle approach to sound seems like a personal experience for me, or at least one that isn't experienced with someone breathing coor's light on your neck.

It would have been great if Mata had rigged one of the three thousand speakers from the other room so that people could listen while outside, but that was only wishful thinking on my part.

So, I had an interesting conversation outside with someone named Kevin and pretty much missed the whole performance.

The Latest Messiah

While Manu Ginobili's ankle recovers, and now Tim Duncan's tendonosis takes time for him to rest, the Spurs signed to a 10 day contract a player that had captured the imagination of the ardent fans.

Like many players who are young, athletic, and possibly lowly-skilled, Pops Mensah-Bonsu is the latest in line to tantalize the fan base with ridiculous potential. Only because the Spurs are as "old as dirt" could a player like Pops walk onto the team and immediately mesmorize at least some percentage of the fans.

With Tim Duncan resting, one would think Pops might get some sort of chance. Though his game seems flashy, he seems to be of the typical atypical foreign-born world traveler sort of player that makes his way to the "cosmopolitan" city of San Antonio.

If I had a little more money in my pocket I might actually buy a jersey with his name on the back. Years from now, who is to say - will he be an answer to a trivial contest or a legit player who got his chance down here in San Antonio?

He has the top rocking already down, which is cool.

Sneak Preview

A few pics of a Southside dirty nasty karaoke bar. B-boys, kickers, hipster artists hanging out after the Annette Krebs performance all intermixed.

Rather than being straight karaoke, it's "curated" so to speak, as dirty nasty rap/booty songs are intermixed with the hard rock/soft country karaoke vibe.

It keeps things fresh.

Look for it in Bar Tab coming up...

And so goes another week on the streets of San Antonio. As always, to be continued...


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