Diversity aside, this John-Wayne-rip-off ad shows Richardson clicking his spurs and saddling up to fight crime and forge change in New Mexico. It made me scratch my head, especially the fact that it’s little ironic for a Hispanic to be playing giddy up con los gringos.
However silly – not to mention politically incorrect – this ad may be, it highlights one fact: Richardson has walked the walk as New Mexico’s gung ho governor. In fact, he’s probably the most qualified presidential candidate, on paper anyway (if you haven’t already, do a little research on the diplomatic overachiever).
Being the pro-gun rights supporter Richardson is, this ad is probably fitting, and it’s evident that it’s a confederate mock. Lets face it, there are a myriad of gun-totting cowboys in the south (and in Washington), which makes this parody sadly satirical. Let’s just hope that for the next 15 months he leaves his cowboy boots and gun harness at home.
Here he is, the Hispanic cowboy: