The birth of the meerkats, also known as Suricata suricatta, coincides with the reopening of a special habitat for the animals inside Kronkosky's Tiny Tot Nature Spot, zoo officials said. The previous meerkat habitat closed 27 years ago.
San Antonio Zoo is delighted to announce the arrival of four adorable meerkat babies to its newly opened meerkat habitat. These captivating creatures, known as Suricata suricatta, returned to the zoo after a 27-year absence, bringing joy and excitement to both staff and visitors.…
— San Antonio Zoological Society 🦍 (@SanAntonioZoo) September 21, 2023
The revamped meerkat habitat now houses a larger and more active family of the mammals, according to zoo officials.
“These little meerkat babies are an absolute delight,” San Antonio Zoo CEO Tim Morrow said in a statement. “We are thrilled to offer our visitors the opportunity to witness these captivating animals up close and personally.”
Families can see the meerkats and experience the new facility during the facility's annual Zoo Boo!, which runs through Oct. 31.
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