The proposed legislation is named after Alamo Heights high school student David Molak, who committed suicide after harassment and bullying via social media.
“I will work with families, school administrators, law enforcement, and others to ensure our schools have the tools they need to keep our students safe and protected from cyberbullying," Menéndez says in a press release. "No student should be afraid to attend class because they were harassed online.”
Menéndez also announced that he'll host a community workshop on cyberbullying to get input from the community. The workshop is Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Burnet Center (406 Barrera St.).
“Our laws need to keep pace with evolving technology. Students like David Molak and Matt Vasquez were being harassed and threatened on social media not in the gym locker room,” Menéndez says. “David’s Law will update our anti-bullying laws to incorporate social media. It will also empower law enforcement and school administrators to go after and punish the bullies who prey on students.”