Not everything I post up here on Chisme Libre will be about Texas's death row. Promise. This doesn't count, though, because you can file this along with all your other Smoking Gun goodies under Public Information Treasure. This memo comes from Major Melodye Nelson, the TDCJ official who watches over death row, to Warden Loyd Massey. Nelson details the scheme of a certain visitor's attempt to smuggle ... errr .... contraband to Gaylon Walbey, an inmate sentenced to death for murdering his foster mother.
Nelson says the visitor (name redacted) had a guard shoot a photo of her with Walbey. I presume the camera was a Polaroid since, according to the report, the visitor then took the photo with her into the restroom. When she came out, the visitor asked the guard to pass it on to Walbey.
Thing is, the guard noticed the photo was wrinkled and coated in a sticky substance. Major Nelson turned up to investigate. The visitor claimed the substance was soda, but Nelson got her to admit it was something else.
Click the document to find out what. Warning: It's durrrrty.