Best of Flash Fiction, March 2013

Six-worders. Lovely. I’ve touted them before. Search the SA Current blog for Don Mathis and you’ll find some excellent examples (as well as a couple of other great flash fiction pieces of his). Or look for Gary Muenster’s alliterative six-worder. The ones I have for this week are a little different, but fit nicely. We have a memoir and some poetic aphorisms (I love that brevity encourages cross-genre exploration). They tell a story replete with narrative, drama and epiphany.
I try to collect a few of these before I publish them so that multiple voices can be heard. Let loose and send in your pithy observations, six-word failed recipes, ignoble insights: [email protected].
Long live very short literary works! —Lyle Rosdahl

Six-Worders from A.J. Chilson & James Courtney

My Six-Word Memoir by A.J. Chilson
I’m big. So I live big.

Six Words on… by James Courtney

Six Words on Loneliness
She dangles endless sighs into snow.

Six Words on Bars
Fuzzy equality: the bedrock of compassion.

Six Words on The Bus
Going places together is truly human.

Six Words on Relationships
Everything is big. Everything is small.

A.J. Chilson is a poet, editorial writer, and charter member of the North Lake Lavon Writer’s Club, which meets monthly in Princeton, Texas, where he resides.

James Courtney is a high school teacher, poet, music writer, lucky life-partner of Felicia, and philosopher of the everyday.

Lyle Rosdahl, a writer living in San Antonio, edits the flash fiction blog & best of in print for the Current.