If it seems that Sexto Sol has been slightly less prominent on the local club scene in recent months, that’s due to a subtle strategic change for the band. In May, the group severed its relationship with Rage Productions, a management group known for its Latino music connections, and began managing themselves. Since then, the percussive quintet has worked to connect with the Austin rock crowd, and emphasized quality over quantity when it comes to SA shows.

Along those lines, they’ll trade gigs this week with sonically adventurous Houston group EDO, with EDO hooking up Sexto Sol in Austin, and Sexto Sol returning the favor in San Antonio.

Sexto Sol percussionist James Moody is expecting a child in December, and his paternity break will enable the band to take the second half of that month and all of January off before beginning sessions for their follow-up to the 2006 album Let There Be Fire.

Sexto Sol, EDO, and Arthur Yoria will perform at Ruta Maya Riverwalk Coffee House (107 E. Martin) on Friday, November 9. Showtime is
9 p.m. and the cover is $8.