If you spend your Thursday evening at Blue Star, you can go ahead and scratch Einstein off the list of deceased eminences you wish you’d had the opportunity to charm over a Weller and water (you are so darling when your syllables start collapsing like dying stars). Renowned Albert impersonator David Cort will put the “gee” back in genius as the guest of SAMA’s David Rubin, who curated Blue Star 23: Playing With Time. The group show features works by local artists that fit the title (but it’s so much more than WYSIWYG; read our review in Art Capades, July 2-8), and in keeping with the theme, Rubin will interview the famed medium following a lecture, “Past, Present, and Future: Artists Looking at Time.” 6:30 p.m., July 24.

In other Blue Star news, beginning this week, you can purchase raffle tickets for $100/each for the chance to win original works by George Schroeder, Chuck Ramirez, Chris Sauter, and Alex Rubio — each piece truly worth breaking that Commandment about not coveting your neighbor’s booty. Purchasing a ticket (call Blue Star, 210-227-6960) may not only save you from eternal damnation, proceeds support the arts org. Drawing August 13.