Get it while you can, Countdown City (2-1-0, geddit?): Exotic Matter, the breathtaking show at David Shelton Gallery, stays on his walls only until May 8. Go marvel at Joey Fauerso’s sexually charged, rigorously investigative and (yes) beautiful paintings, which are all about surface. Well, and depth. And also nudity. And renderings of exploding plant life so lush you want to disrobe and roll around in them. Michael Velliquette takes paper-cutting past the ordinary “painstaking” or “elaborate” territory into, well, the exotic; they’re relics from a culture you’re not altogether familiar with
, but always knew was out there somewhere. The show’s been held over for two weeks, and Michael McClure Ph.D., assistant professor of Contemporary Art and Theory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, saw fit to write an essay about it; we think it’s worth driving north to see it. Exotic Matter: Joey Fauerso & Michael Velliquette, David Shelton Gallery, 20626 Stone Oak Pkwy. ste. 202,