Elections To Replace Leticia Van de Putte and Mike Villarreal End in Runoffs

After drastically low voter turnout in the special elections to replace San Antonio legislators Mike Villarreal and Leticia Van de Putte at the Texas Capitol, the top two contenders in each crowded race will face one another in runoffs, unable to garner the majority of votes needed to win the seats. 

Democratic State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, hoping to succeed Van de Putte in the Texas Senate, finished the night with 43.28 percent of the vote and will face his Democratic House colleague Jose Menendez, who earned  25.37 of the vote, in a runoff.

In the final days leading up to yesterday's election, Martinez Fischer called on Menendez to renounce his campaign contributions from GOP political action committee Texans for Lawsuit Reform, which launched a nasty and pricey TV ad and mailer campaign against Martinez Fischer. Menendez denied any affiliation with the ads. 

Former District 1 Councilman Diego Bernal, one of three Democrats running for Villarreal's position in the Texas House, finished the night with 47.46 percent of the vote. He will face Republican candidate Nunzio Previtera, who acquired 21.28 percent of the vote. 

You can view the final election results here.

It's unclear when the runoff elections will be scheduled. The legislative session begins in Austin on Tuesday.