Put together by local filmmaker Cedric Thomas Smith’s Well Ced Productions, DreamCinema will feature 16 short films from a diverse host of directors, including Cedric Thomas Smith and fellow San Anto filmmaker Ya’Ke Smith, both of whom will be in attendance to discuss their award-winning shorts.
The lineup features Ya’Ke Smith’s Katrina’s Son (2011), which follows a young boy who loses his grandmother during Hurricane Katrina and travels to San Antonio in search of the mother who abandoned him. It will also screen three of Cedric Thomas Smith’s films, including Breaking Brokenness (2018), a story of familial reckoning with a buried pattern of abuse.
Free, Sunday, Jan. 12, 1-7 p.m., UTSA Buena Vista Theater, 501 W. César E. Chávez Blvd., (210) 444-2315, dreamweek.org.