Pretty Woman: The Musical tells the same unlikely love story we know and love from the 1990 film, alongside original songs written by Bryan Adams, the Grammy Award-winning singer of big hits from the era, including "Summer of '69" and "Heaven."
Directed by Jerry Mitchell — known for such beloved Broadway comedies as Hairspray, Kinky Boots and Legally Blonde — Pretty Woman: The Musical follows business mogul Edward Lewis (Chase Wolfe), who's never made room for love in his quest to build a corporate empire. His values are called into question after he hires sex worker Vivian Ward (Ellie Baker) for what he thinks will be a one-night stand.
Free-spirited and deeply passionate, Vivian begins to soften Edward's heart, while Edward sharpens Vivian's sense of ambition. In an endearing and hilarious series of trials and triumphs, the relationship grows more complicated than either could have anticipated.
This production is recommended for mature audiences only due to mature language, sexual content and brief drug use.
$39.60-$124.50, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 31, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1, H-E-B Performance Hall, Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Circle, (210) 223-8624,
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