The Friday night show will feature this season’s most gifted finalists, including Cade Foehner, Caleb Lee Hutchinson, Catie Turner, Gabby Barrett, Jurnee, Maddie Poppe and Michael J. Woorard. The Idol extravaganza will be hosted by the stubbly season 8 winner and “Live Like We’re Dying” singer Kris Allen. It will be cathartic and fun, plus this is your chance to breathe the same air and observe firsthand how both savage and warm Lionel Richie, Luke Bryan and Katy Perry can be. Unfortunately, SA’s own Ada Vox will not be there since she was eliminated after making the top 10. In the slightly modified immortal words of inaugural judge Randy Jackson – this show’s gonna be a yes from us, dawg.
$35-$75, Fri July 20, 7pm, Tobin Center for Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Circle,
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