Cash Grab: If You Need College Funds, There’s a Side Hustle to Fit Your Personality

click to enlarge Cash Grab: If You Need College Funds, There’s a Side Hustle to Fit Your Personality

Pretty much any college student could use extra dough.

Whether it’s to start paying down loans before the interest snowballs or just to provide a little weekend fun money, a little extra cash comes in handy.

Here’s the good news: armed with a smartphone and the willingness to hustle, Internet apps can make it easier than ever to pick up quick money. If you can manage to close that Netflix tab and leave campus for a few hours each week, these jobs — each suited to a specific personality or life situation — could help you make a little cash on the side.

Are you a Gen Z’er with a license and a car?
Clean out those Starbucks cups from your passenger seat and start driving for Uber or Lyft.

Have a car but don’t like small talk?
Deliver take out with apps like Postmates, Favor and DoorDash.

Know the Heimlich and can tolerate hearing Peppa Pig’s debut album on repeat?
Make a profile or try out newer babysitting apps like Bambino or Sitter.

Want to babysit but develop hives around kids under 5?
Grab a leash and start dog-walking for Wag.

Older than 18 and weigh more than 110 pounds?
Check out local blood plasma centers to donate for cash.

Have a pile of clothes in good condition and good-looking friends that love to model?
Start flipping thrift store finds on Depop or Poshmark.

Have a dedicated folder of GIFs and categorize all your thoughts as “open letters”?
Freelance for your university’s community of The Odyssey Online.

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