Dad Rock: 10 Songs to Celebrate Father's Day Weekend

click to enlarge I bet you can find this in your dad's music stash - Shannon Sweet
Shannon Sweet
I bet you can find this in your dad's music stash

Father's Day goes way deeper than "World's Greatest Dad" t-shirts and Grill Master Bar-B-Qs at the family pool party, a holiday dedicated to celebrating that special guy in your life.

When dads everywhere aren't pretending to vibe to the Kanye Wests and Taylor Swifts of the new millennium, they sneak away to their dusty vinyl collections stashed in dad caves across America.

So, for this Father's Day weekend, hand dad the AUX chord and let him be the DJ. Here's our stab at some dad-friendly jams to start your weekend:

Led Zeppelin, "Over the Hills and Far Away"

Lets face it, most dads who jam to Led Zepp are over the hill. But, like most dad rock songs, that doesn't mean that anyone who was born past '79 can't enjoy it. "Over the Hills and Far Away" is the kind of jam that hearkens back to the days of fantasy adventure before Peter Jackson. 

Pink Floyd, "Young Lust"

It may be creepy to imagine your dad singing "Ooh, I need a dirty girl" to your mom at the high school prom. And, because you exist, it's a fact that dirty dog got lucky.

The Who, "My Generation"

Before playing the Who, imagine the spirit of a KZEP (RIP) disc jockey grousing, "This goes out to all the classic rockers who've had enough of cellphones, Miley Cyrus and goddamn vaping."

Blue Oyster Cult, "Burnin' for You"

Even though "Burnin' for You" wasn't the subject of a SNL skit, this probably gets the "midnight toker" dads riled up before a bedtime bowl. 420 is for life. 

Cheap Trick, "Surrender"

When the "Mommy's alright, daddy's alright" chorus kicks in, it seems a little ironic that dad's still jamming to the CT hit, even though the role's now reversed. Seems a "little weird."