San Antonio Zoo's Timothy the Hippo enters U.S. presidential race

The 4,000-pound aquatic mammal promises naps for all and mandatory snack time.

click to enlarge Timothy for President merchandise is available on the San Antonio Zoo's website. - Courtesy of San Antonio Zoo
Courtesy of San Antonio Zoo
Timothy for President merchandise is available on the San Antonio Zoo's website.
With Americans stuck with the choice of electing either an unhinged wannabe authoritarian or an "elderly man with a poor memory" as president, the San Antonio Zoo is offering a third option this election cycle: a 4,000-pound aquatic mammal.

The zoo's beloved Timothy the Hippo, outlined his platform during a Monday press conference announcing his bid for the nation's highest office. During a President's Day speech at the Africa Live exhibit, Timothy's handlers said their candidate's initiatives include mandatory snack time and "Naps for All," which also happens to be the hippo's campaign slogan.

We're not sure where Timothy stands on the budget or foreign policy, but "Naps for All" is a slogan most of us can get behind. Gotta admit it's also a hell of lot less trite than "Make the Zoo Great Again."

Supporters can buy Timothy for President T-shirts, yard signs, drink tumblers and other swag by visiting the San Antonio Zoo's website. Sale proceeds will contribute to vital animal conservation efforts, according to zoo officials.

If elected, Timothy would be the youngest and largest U.S. president in history. He would also be the first hippo.

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