Assclown Alert: Doubling down on a racist conspiracy theory with U.S. Rep. Chip Roy

The Austin-San Antonio congressman is once again spreading the racist 'Great Replacement' theory.

click to enlarge Congressman Chip Roy speaks during a House Judiciary Committee field hearing. - Shutterstock / lev radin
Shutterstock / lev radin
Congressman Chip Roy speaks during a House Judiciary Committee field hearing.

Assclown Alert is a column of opinion analysis and snark.

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, a Republican whose district includes parts of San Antonio and Austin, just can't seem to get a handle on his troubling case of verbal flatulence.

As evidence of his apparently incurable case of noxious mouth farts, Roy once again propagated the racist "Great Replacement" theory. That widely debunked conspiracy theory claims shadowy forces are replacing white U.S. Christians with heathen immigrants in a bid to ensure liberals run the country.

"[Democrats are] flooding the zone, overwhelming the system," Roy said earlier this month on the conservative Convention of States YouTube show. "They don't believe that the people will be removed, ultimately. They believe ultimately they'll be able to get them to be voters, and once and for all they can kind of wipe the slate away from the core values that this country was founded upon."

The congressman went on to speculate that the 50 million foreign-born U.S. residents would have "20 to 25 million kids." Because to Roy — or at least to the base to which he panders — all migrants do is breed and look for ways to destroy the country that's taken them in.

"So, now we have a massive percentage at a moment where we're not teaching our children that America is great, we're not teaching our children that God exists, we're not teaching our children the values of the Constitution or Western civilization," he said.

It shouldn't warrant explaining, but Roy is so full of shit that his eyes are brown. Resident non-citizens can't ever vote in U.S. elections, no matter how long they have lived in the United States. Period.

What's more, it's a lengthy, complicated and years-long process to become a naturalized citizen — one that involves a biometric screening along with an interview checking the applicant's willingness to take an oath of allegiance and understanding of the U.S. Constitution. Those applicants also must take tests for their proficiency in English and knowledge of U.S. history and government.

Sounds like the kind of informed, civically plugged-in person we'd want at the voting polls.

Roy is smart enough to know how the process works. However, he's enough of an assclown to ignore the facts and double down on a racist fantasy appealing to a growing and dangerous white nationalist fringe.

You'd think Roy's constituents are tired of being forced to inhale his racist hot air. 

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