A New DVD Featuring Darrell "Dimebag Darrell" Abbott Is Coming out This Month

A New DVD Featuring Darrell "Dimebag Darrell" Abbott Is Coming out This Month
Facebook, Dimebag Darrell

Because San Antonio digs all thing from metal, we thought y’all might like to know (if you didn’t already) that a DVD featuring the late Darrell Abbott, better known as Dimebag Darrell (Pantera/ Damageplan) is coming out later this month. Texas metal represent!

Dimevision Vol 2: Roll With It Or Get Rolled Over will be released November 24 via Metal Blade Records and will include footage captured between the mid-80s and his later years. This rendition continues in the same vein as Dimevision Vol 1: That's The Fun I Have with the inclusion of comedic video segments like Abbott and friends pretending they’re at war and throwing fireworks around themselves.

If you’ve ever watched band DVDs from other metal and rock ‘n’ roll bands, it’s definitely got that same dudes-doing-funny-shit-on-camera vibe. Any fan of Dimebag and his projects, you'll love all the cool shit you can only see behind-the-scenes.

Watch the trailer below: