Study ranks Texas as state with nation's worst drivers

Texas had the nation's third-highest rate of drunk drivers involved in fatal car accidents, according to the report.

click to enlarge The new study by Forbes Advisor looked at a variety of metrics to determine which state had the worst drivers. - Shutterstock / Theerani lerdsri
Shutterstock / Theerani lerdsri
The new study by Forbes Advisor looked at a variety of metrics to determine which state had the worst drivers.
Who among us hasn't unleashed a volley of expletives at an idiot who cuts across three lanes of traffic with no blinker on to catch an exit? Why, if you drive in San Antonio, it may have only been a day or two since you let those cuss words fly.

But the Alamo City hasn't got the market cornered on shitty driving. Turns out Texas, as a whole, ranks as the state with the nation's worst drivers in a new Forbes Advisor study.

Forbes Advisor created its list by analyzing driving-related metrics across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Among other things, those include each state's number of fatal drunk driving accidents, number of drivers who use their phones behind the wheel and number of crashes involving drowsy drivers.

Texas had the second-highest rate for drowsy drivers involved in fatal car collisions and also for fatal car accidents involving a driver on the wrong side of the road or incorrectly navigating a one-way street.

The Lone Star State also had the third-highest rate of drunk drivers involved in fatal car accidents and the ninth-highest rate of fatal car accidents involving distracted drivers, according to the report.

Forbes Advisor ranked Louisiana drivers as second-worst overall, while Kansas drivers came in at No. 3. On the other end of the spectrum, Washington, D.C. residents ranked as being the best behind the wheel.

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