Democrat Beto O'Rourke tells Texas veterans he'll fight to legalize marijuana if elected governor

The former El Paso congressman said he received overwhelming support for legalization at a series of veteran town halls.

click to enlarge Beto O'Rourke speaks during a campaign appearance. - Luke Harold / Wikimedia Commons
Luke Harold / Wikimedia Commons
Beto O'Rourke speaks during a campaign appearance.
Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke has doubled — or is tripled by this point? — down on his pledge to legalize cannabis if elected.

In a tweet that includes video footage from six veteran town halls he held on the campaign trail, the former Democratic congressman from El Paso said he received overwhelming support for legalization at those gatherings.

"Veterans say it’s time for this state to legalize marijuana. The people of Texas agree," O'Rourke tweeted on Wednesday. "Now we just need a governor who will get it done."
The four-minute video clip shows O'Rourke interacting with veterans at town halls, including several vets discussing their own cannabis use to deal with medical issues. Texas currently has a limited medical marijuana program, but it's one of the most restrictive in the nation.

Gov. Greg Abbott, the Republican incumbent, has said he supports decriminalizing weed but not making it legal for recreational use. Meanwhile, the Texas Republican Party recently revamped its platform to include a plank opposing the "legalization of recreational marijuana."

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Sanford Nowlin

Sanford Nowlin is editor-in-chief of the San Antonio Current.

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