Elizabeth Sampayo, niece to Beatrice Sampayo, said the elderly woman devised the false kidnapping narrative to cover up the death of 8-month-old King Jay.
"She’s a manipulator," Elizabeth Sampayo told reporters Monday outside of the courtroom following a hearing for her cousin Angie Torres. "She always has been, all of our lives, since we were kids."
Elizabeth Sampayo was at the hearing to support Torres, who Sampayo said was at the wrong place at the wrong time regarding her role in the cover-up. Beatrice Sampayo and Torres are both facing charges of tampering with evidence, though the older woman is out on bond to receive cancer treatment.
"Beatrice has been sick since before I was born," Elizabeth Sampayo told reporters. "I’m 38 years old. She’s been dying all my life."
Christopher Davila was named as the baby's father at the time of King Jay's disappearance in January, but recent court hearings have revealed that the baby's father is actually in prison. Christopher Davila is engaged to King Jay's mother.
Christopher Davila is expected in court this week for his first post-indictment appearance. He is facing injury to a child charges.
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