All occasions have been special in their own right, but there's something about Bonner's love of food that makes him extra appealing. He had his own Sandwich Hunter: Quest for the Hoagie Grail blog on, he's in on the Big Red joke, and he always nailed his brief, but awesome appearances in HEB commercials.
But there's so much to learn about the Red Mamba. Just a handful of days after announcing his retirement this January, Bonner joined Twitter and what a weird, strange trip the last three months have been.
Here's some of what we gleaned from his A+ tweeting (side note: If you're reading this Matt, let's go on a taco tour!):
He's taking to post-retirement/broadcast life quite well.
He reads Hellogiggles and wants his own emojis.
He's a sandwich purist, obviously.
Bonner loves quilts. It must be his New England roots.
He revels in his red-headedness
Just stop asking how tall he is, K?
He has this image saved on his phone...