Assclown Alert: Clamoring for Christian dictatorship with Texas-based preacher Joel Webbon

'Constitution be damned,' Webbon declared, describing the kind of Christian strongman he'd like to see running the U.S.

click to enlarge Pastor Tim Webbon opines about Godless Americans who myst be ruled by a Christian leader who "comes in with a sword." - Screen Capture: Twitter / @rightresponsem
Screen Capture: Twitter / @rightresponsem
Pastor Tim Webbon opines about Godless Americans who myst be ruled by a Christian leader who "comes in with a sword."

Assclown Alert is a column of opinion, analysis and snark.

When it comes to extreme ideology, Texas evangelical preachers know how to go big or go home.
Take Joel Webbon, the Christian nationalist pastor of Georgetown’s Covenant Bible Church. In a recent podcast first reported on by Right Wing Watch, Webbon proposed that Americans have devolved into such “degenerates” that we need a religious dictator who “rules with an iron fist.”

Yikes. Talk about saying the quiet part out loud.

Of course, the U.S. Constitution might have something to say about that, but Webbon doesn’t seem to be particularly concerned about its protections for civil rights or the separation of church and state.

“Constitution be damned,” he declared, describing how his great Christian dictator would rule.

The imposition of a totalitarian state appears to be a running theme for Webbon, whose church has hosted extremists including Doug Wilson, an Idaho-based pastor known for a particularly toxic brand of Christian nationalist patriarchy, according to Right Wing Watch.

In a recent sermon also covered by Right Wing Watch, Webbon explained that Americans are cowards and dummies and that the only person who can get the nation back on track is a Christian leader who “comes in with a sword.” And, of course, that dictator would be a he, according to Webbon.

“He doesn’t go around forcing conversions, but instead, what he does is he forces external morality,” the preacher opines. “He doesn’t force a change of heart; only the Gospel can do that. But what a king can do is he can say, ‘Whether you’re regenerate or not, you’re going to pretend. You’re at least going to pretend to be Christian.’”

While living under a dictator’s sword may sound like one assclown’s version of paradise, we’re guessing millions of people who cherish their personal freedoms think he can go fuck himself.

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Sanford Nowlin

Sanford Nowlin is editor-in-chief of the San Antonio Current.

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