Profiles in Cosplay from Ivy Doomkitty to Dog Groomers

Wizard World Comic Con graces San Antonio for the first time ever. The traveling pop-culture mega fest brings together comic book artists, WWE wrestlers, celebrities from lists A through D and plenty of rabid, costumed fans. We jumped the line, so to speak, for some one-on-one conversations with a few of Wizard World’s most coveted guests.

Meet the people behind the costumes you just might see at Wizard World.

Name: Ivy Doomkitty

Professional cosplayer since: She summoned the courage to model a piece from her favorite comic book artist Frank Cho, paying tribute to Star Trek and Liberty Meadows at San Diego Comic-Con in 2012.

How did you become a cosplayer?
Back in 2012, I created a fan page and put all of the geek stuff on it, my gaming, the costuming. I just started posting photos from comic book conventions and random shoots I had done here and there. From there, the photos just started to show up all over the internet. It was a completely new world for me. Fans started to follow [me] and started to message me, ‘Hey, I really like this one photo, have you thought about making it into a print?’ In December 2012, everyone started asking me about doing a calendar. And I’m thinking, ‘I’m nobody, I just started doing this, what business do I have making a calendar?’ … And I’m nervous because I’m thinking I just blew a bunch of money and this is going to be a complete flop. And it did phenomenally.

What do you love about cosplay?
For me, it’s about showing your love for the character. It’s also all about the fans and the community. It’s such an amazing and overwhelming feeling to know that you’ve been able to impact someone’s life in a good way, which again, when I first started, I did not think that was something even remotely possible. So for as long as I have, if I can do some good with it and help people see that they should have self-worth and be happy with themselves and encourage them to do something they’ve been wanting to do, I will keep doing that.

Upcoming projects: Rocket Raccoon, Starfire, Darkseid, Magneto

Find her work on: Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter (@ivydoomkitty) and her online store

Correction: The print version of this article incorrectly states that Frank Cho asked Ivy Doom Kitty to model a character in 2012. He did not. We regret the error.


Name: Kit Brockman-Harris

Vital stats: 24-year-old transaction processor for Xerox/Affiliated Computer Services and part-time student at Northwest Vista College
Cosplayer since: A friend convinced her to try out A-kon 21, where she cosplayed as Seras Victoria from Hellsing

What do you love about cosplay?
I’ve always felt the need to create and craft with my own two hands, and cosplay really satiates that need. Oddly enough, being in cosplay is one of the only times I am more comfortable with myself and my surroundings. I struggle with anxiety, but when I’m in costume I’m no longer just Kit. I’m embodying that character, and there is something strangely empowering about that. My favorite experiences are always the encounters you have with kids. It’s just immensely satisfying interacting with them and making them smile, giving them memories of their favorite characters. Meeting new people is a close second.

Upcoming projects: Working as one of three leaders for the San Antonio Cosplayers Facebook group, organizing gatherings, informative panels and events for San Antonio cosplayers

Find her work on: Facebook (as Nekomata Cosplay), DeviantArt, San Antonio Cosplayers page


Name: Johnny and Andrea Ricketts

Vital stats: Johnny, 35, works as dog bather at Petsmart; Angela, 28, works as dog groomer at Petsmart

Cosplayers since: 2008

What do you love about cosplay?
When you find a character you’re passionate about, it’ll show no matter what material is used or how you do it. Whether or not it’s your first time, you can always see the heart in the cosplay. When you start doing this and get hooked, it becomes second nature to you, and you feel weird not doing it. Once you do one costume that gets really great reception, it’s all about the next thing.

Upcoming projects:
We go to a lot of cons around Texas— A-kon, Anime Fest, Wizard World, Alamo City Comic-Con. Last weekend at San Japan we won the Best Craftsmanship award. San Antonio will also be getting Pax South next year, one of the biggest cons on the West Coast, so we’re planning ahead for that. We’re also planning to start creating tutorials on how to do costuming to put online.

Find their work on: Facebook, Twitter (@SnScosplay)


Name: Julia Denham

Vital stats: 23-year-old working in a pharmacy

Cosplayer since: A group of friends convinced her to play the Yellow Ranger in their cosplay group Mighty Morphin’ Texas Rangers

What do you love about cosplay?
It becomes more of an addiction. You want to do it again, try something else, see if you can do it. There’s a great San Antonio cosplay community. There’s a ton of cosplayers here collaborating and people learning from each other and becoming friends with one another, and that has really inspired me and my friends.

Upcoming projects:
I started a San Antonio Cosplay Meetup group because I wanted to bring people together on a Saturday at least once a month. We all have our strengths and weaknesses—makeup, sewing, making props, researching places where you can get a costume. We meet once a month at either Heroes and Fantasies or Dragon’s Lair Comics and Fantasy. I’m also working on my Maleficent cosplay. I’m trying to teach myself how to sew. I’m also planning the next meet up, given that there are about five conventions happening next month, and working on setting up a Facebook page. My goal is to inspire others in other towns to make meetups like this one.

Find her work on: Facebook, YouTube, San Antonio Cosplayers

Wizard World Comic Con

Single-day: $35-$45;
three-day pass: $75;
autographs and photo ops: $35-$100; VIP: $200
3-8pm Fri; 10am-7pm Sat;
11am-5pm Sun, Aug 1-3
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E Market


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