Artifacts, now with 78% more everything

Oh, thank heavens you've found us!

Y'all know how I —  arts and culture staff writer Sarah Fisch — sometimes have a little bitty column in the Current about art news called Artifacts, and how also sometimes I write about art and culture on what used to be the Curblog?

Well, Artifacts — this blog you're looking at — will be like both those things, on the interwebs, also with other things stuffed in there, like the bonus toys in cereal boxes of yore. Or of cereal boxes of now, too. I haven't checked.

Stuff I'll be doing in Artifacts:

I will be shooting videos of all kinds! You may ask me questions and I will likely answer them! I'll put up links I feel you may enjoy, and suggestions of local events and places to check out. And I will post photos!

Here's a photo, now:

That was right before Hermine hit us last week.

Other stuff I'll be putting up here at Artifacts:

* interesting stuff I find out while researching stories, but that doesn't really fit in anywhere else.

* anecdotes of San Antonio and beyond.

* *

* vague threats

* specific threats

* cries for help

* zesty recipes

* experiments, scientific and un-

* my criminal record

* typos

I appreciate you guys ambling over here to take a look. Hello to each and every one of you. I am writing just for you, baby. Next up: a video intro taken in the woods!

* This bullet point was intentionally left blank in order to denote the wide-openness of this blog's subject matter. Most of it will have to do with art and culture, though.


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