Assclown Alert: Sphincter snorkeling at Trump’s hush money trial with Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

Patrick and two MAGA-minded members of Texas’ congressional delegation showed up at the New York trial to bestow praise on Trump.

click to enlarge Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick joined fellow far-right Texas Republicans and turned up at Donald Trump's hush money trail. - Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick joined fellow far-right Texas Republicans and turned up at Donald Trump's hush money trail.
Assclown Alert is a column of opinion, analysis and snark.

After witnessing the parade of GOP lawmakers grabbing photo ops at former President Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and two MAGA-minded members of Texas’ congressional delegation apparently decided it was their time to grovel.

On Tuesday, May 21, as testimony wound down, U.S. Reps. Troy Nehls and Ronny Jackson joined Patrick in fawning over Trump and professing his saintly innocence.

For those keeping score at home, all three far-right Republicans are recipients of Trump endorsements.

During the appearance, Nehls compared Trump to the Pope, likening those who attend the former reality show star’s campaign rallies to Catholics seeking a blessing from the pontiff, news site Mediaite reports.

“When people come to Donald Trump’s rallies, they’re saying, Donald Trump, we need you more than ever before. Our country is burning,” Nehls prattled.

Just to make sure everyone knew whose posterior he was smooching, the Houston-area congressman wore a tie with photographs of Trump holding an American flag, the Texas Tribune reports.

Meanwhile, Jackson — you know, the former White House physician who once gushed over Trump’s “incredible genes” and claimed his boss only weighed 239 pounds — dismissed the trial’s prosecutors and judge as “corrupt” lackeys of the Biden White House. No word on what Trump attire the demoted former Navy officer and Panhandle congressman might have been wearing, sadly.

Not to be outdone in his obsequiousness, Patrick spun conspiracy theories about shadowy elites wanting to see Trump behind bars.

Never mind that the former president faces 34 counts of falsifying business records over his $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

“They want Donald Trump to disappear,” Patrick told reporters, according to the Tribune. “They want to send him to jail. They want to take him off the main stage because they know he’s their biggest danger to taking the ruling class down.”

Expecting Trump to take down the ruling class is a lot like having expected O.J. Simpson would find the “real killers” before he kicked the bucket last month.

Assclowns all.

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Sanford Nowlin

Sanford Nowlin is editor-in-chief of the San Antonio Current.

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