Twitter rains shit on Texas tech bro Elon Musk after he says Ukraine should cede Crimea to Russia

One of Ukraine's ambassadors invited the Tesla founder to 'f—k off' over his suggestion to placate the Russian aggressors.

click to enlarge Elon Musk appears at a press conference following one of his company SpaceX's launches. - WIkimedia Commons / Daniel Oberhaus
WIkimedia Commons / Daniel Oberhaus
Elon Musk appears at a press conference following one of his company SpaceX's launches.
Texas tech bro and font of Twitter opinions Elon Musk stepped into a steaming pile Monday when he shared his proposed solution for ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Here's the short version: Let Russia take a bunch of land it claimed in its bloody and unprovoked invasion (so long as the United Nations gets to supervise referendums by the annexed territories).

Oh, yeah, also: “Crimea formally part of Russia [sic], as it has been since 1783 (until Khrushchev’s mistake).”
The resulting shitstorm drew in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, several of the country's diplomats, some U.S. politicos and, naturally, plenty of regular Ukrainians and U.S. residents. In the final tally, 59.1% respondents gave a thumbs down to the idea in a poll Musk attached to his 40-someodd-word peace plan.

In addition to the idea that the world should placate Russia over its aggression, much of the anger stems from Musk's understanding of Crimea's history. Put mildly, his take regurgitates "a selective version of the history of the Crimean Peninsula, one that closely aligns with the Kremlin’s," the Washington Post points out.

In case anyone needs a refresher, the billionaire's take ignores the fact that under oligarch Vladimir Putin, Russia ignored a 1994 treaty under which Moscow agreed to respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, including Crimea, by annexing the peninsula two decades later.

Andrij Melnyk, the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, set aside his diplomatic skills for a succinct response to Musk's scheme: "Fuck off is my very diplomatic reply to you @elonmusk."
Several other respondents suggested that by Musk's ass-backward logic, the U.S. should then give up some or all of its territory. Because, you know, that shit also belonged to someone else once upon a time.
Others, including  U.S. Rep. Adam Kenzinger, R-Illinois, pointed out the absurdity of Musk thinking his four tweeted talking points could actually solve a conflict as deep-rooted as the one playing out now in Central Asia.
Not to be outdone, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky put up a Twitter poll of his own: Which @elonmusk do you like more?” He offered two choices: “One who supports Ukraine” and “One who supports Russia.”
 We'll let you guess which option is ahead in that poll.

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Sanford Nowlin

Sanford Nowlin is editor-in-chief of the San Antonio Current.

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